இளைஞர் குழு - உறுப்பினர் படிவம்
Disclaimer :
By completing this form and providing your data to the organisation membership, you are permitting us to hold this data within a secure membership database with consent, under our data protection policy. Your data will not be shared with any third parties. This so we can effectively administrate the membership of the organisation and communicate opportunities and services to which you are entitled as a member.Please Note:
- Once your membership has been accepted, we will send you an email with membership details.
- The Annual Membership is 50€.
- All received applications will be forwarded on to our Enrollment Committee, consisting of young people, who review the applications for approval. This typically takes no more than two weeks. If there are any queries raised, we may come back to you for further information.
- If there are any queries regarding membership, mail us to membership@francetamilsangam.fr